The reason is, the pandemic has not shown any signs of abating, which makes the learning system must change. The government changed the conventional teaching system to be replaced by learning from home online to break the chain of spreading the corona virus.
Dampak covid-19 bagi perekonomian
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Dampak covid-19 bagi perekonomian Wabah penyakit Covid-19 ini menjadi sesuatu yang luar biasa tidak terlepas dari peran teknologi komunikasi. Tingkat persebaran informasi yang cepat menimbulkan kepanikan yang dahsyat di masyarakat. Implikasinya membuat perilaku masyarakat berubah. Kepanikan tersebut salah satunya mengakibatkan ketimpangan dari sisi keseimbangan permintaan dan penawaran. Prediksi perekonomian Indonesia turun signifikan pada 2020 seakan menjadi kenyataan. Dampak dari terjadinya wabah Covid-19 ini bukan hanya sekadar penyakit yang mempengaruhi kesehatan, namun juga dampak secara ekonomi. Kondisi ini diperparah dengan beberapa negara yang menerapkan kebijakan lockdown sehingga mempengaruhi impor bahan baku dan barang modal. Pada akhirnya produksi turun, barang langka, dan harga barang meningkat. Kenaikan harga barang yang disertai penghasilan yang menurun merupakan kondisi fatal daya beli masyarakat. Secara dampak diperekonomian Indonesia sendiri, salah satu faktor...
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~songs~ Now you find two song lyric of your favorite songs! Answer the following questions! 1. What is the title of those songs? 2. Who is the singer? 3. Write the parts of the song lyric as the above example! 4. Why do you like those songs? 5. What do the songs tell about? 6. What kind of are they? ~Answer~ 1. Death bed 2. Pouwfu feat.beabadoobee 3. > I'm happy that you're here with me, I'm sorry if I tear up > When me and you were younger, you would always make me cheer up 4. Interesting 5. About remembering the past and as a song of respect four their separation 6. A person who i...
home learning experience
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my learning experience at home when there was a corona virus, there was pleasure and there was boredom, studying at home was indeed relaxing, but in my opinion personal study at home did not change me to become more enthusiastic, and became more lazy because there were no friends. and after getting the news that studying at home was extended I was very sad because I didn't meet my friends. corona virus is very dangerous, there have been many victims. so I suggest to stay at home, even if it's bored.